Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here goes my addition to the family blog! I would like to first thank Gary for putting this together for our technologically challenged family.

Second, i would like to thank Cat for throwing a fabulous New Years Eve party! Thanks Cat!!! A great time was had by all of us and I can't wait for next year to see if you can outdo 2007!

Third, I just want everyone to get on their computers and add to this so we have something to entertain us!!!!

That's all for now....

By the way, Suzanna and I are sick again....hope you all don't get it, and you know who you all are......

Much love! Auntie Nina!!!!! otherwise known as Monica


Gary said...

Sick? Again? Are you sure it wasn't too much celebrating ringing in the New Year?

The Felix Three said...

GARY...i think you are onto something! hee hee...monica for sure had too much diet soda!!
: )