Wow, 2008. Can you believe it?
The new year got off to a nice start, thanks to lovely hostesses Catarina, Maya and Isabel. Great munchies were served, but I am suspecting the fix was in during the games portion of the evening, as twice I was on the team with the early lead, only to have the teams Maya was on steal victory in the end.
But, I shant pout, because it was too much fun!
I am sad to report that I did not take my camera along, so I have no photos of the evening, including Suzanna's stylish new hairstyle nor do I have evidence of Isa wearing her new Christmas outfit. So, hopefully Cat will share some of her photos.
Also, since I haven't make a post in a while, I wanted to say it was great to see so all you desert dwellers on the web camera on Christmas day (I'm sorry you ended up watching us eat). But it was very nice to see and hear everyone, even if we all could not be together on Christmas.
I've been busy in the days since Christmas enjoying all my cool gifts as much as possible and scratching lottery tickets. I can't report any new-found massive wealth, but I do think there were a few winners in there. I'll have to take them in and get them checked, because some of those games were far too complicated for my simple mind to figure out. I need a ticket that just says "You Win" or You Lose" I guess. Either that, or I should have stayed in college longer and got an advanced degree to figure out all the rules, regulations, etc. When did scratch tickets get so complicated?
Anyway, I hope everyone's new year is off to a fantastic start so far. And I'm sorry to hear that Monica and Suzanna are sick (especially since I got hugs from both of them on New Year's Eve!) Now I'm going to be all freaked out every time my nose tickles for the next week or so.
Happy New Year all!