Christmas always falls on the same date on the calendar, Dec. 25, but many years Christmas is celebrated on another date. Sometimes there are several Christmases each year. It all depends on when family or friends can make time, or traverse distance, to be together.
For many years, I was not really a big fan of Christmas. And I've never cared for shopping very much But that changed sometime over the years. I have found I actually enjoy Christmas shopping for Suzanna. I'm not sure I'm any good at it. But trying to find things she will like -- maybe things on her wish list, maybe things she hasn't expressed a wish for, has been much more fun that I really care to admit.

Now the wrapping part, that I hate. I"m not good at it. The gifts I wrap always look like they they were wrapped by a 5 year old or like gifts that have been sitting under the tree for weeks that pets have been using as chew toys. It's not good.
Thank goodness for whomever invented the gift bag!
I would be hard pressed to remember many specific gifts I've received (or given for that matter) for Christmas. But I have many happy memories from Christmas gatherings from one end of the state to the other. So I thought I'd share some photos of Christmases past from the holiday season. I'm not many, or any of them were actually taken on Christmas day. But these are some examples of what I remember about Christmas.
Does anyone else remember the year Anna was pregnant with Andrew and Christmas at Martha and Michael's house? One of the lasting images for me were Michael and Suzanna on the little couch and Michael covered with holiday ribbons. Another was Cat going around the room demonstrating Anna's head massager gift. Judging by Anna's reaction, she's seemed to like it.

I lost most of my photos from Christmas last year in Pendleton, but I do still have this family portrait, that shows just how much Andrew has grown. And of course this year, Sarah no longer has braces, and Andrew is bigger still.
Sadly, though, Shawn is still known to wear green U of O Duck gear.

And speaking of changes, does anyone recognize the little brown-haired girl in this photo? Before we all know it, Isabel will be that age and Maya will be looking and acting all grown up!

In this one, Monica shows off some fancy martini glasses she got as a gift, and Elizabeth seems to appreciate them too. Unfortunately, there weren't martini fixins included with the gift.

And this photo was from a recent Christmas at my parents' house, with my grandmother, my parents and my brother Dean. This will be our first Christmas without my grandmother, who died earlier this month. We miss you Grandma.
For those of you I won't see this holiday season, you are much on my mind this season. Thanks for the Christmas card Martha and Michael. And thanks to all of you who have been the part of so many happy Christmas memories.
May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!